Thai Love Journey 6 weeks old


What is next on this website?



Beautiful Thai woman walking on a beach


Good evening from a cold rainy night in Scotland,


Building a website properly and filling it with good content takes about a year if you like me are working alone on it, so if you come to this site, send me an email and say hi. Let me know if you want me to write about a certain topic or even answer a question for you. It is a lonely hobby filling the site and my mind keeps changing every week with new ideas and directions.

When I started the site 6 weeks ago, I thought carefully about all my time living in Thailand and what was the most common serious question I was asked, that question was how do I find a good Thai wife?

I thought it would be a good idea to make the site around that, 6 weeks in, I have realised all that would come of this idea would be just another dating site. I really do not want that, it is boring and fulfils nothing. Then my choices were endless and that in itself causes problems because a site that talks a lot about many topics then becomes just another Thai website.

I want to take my knowledge about Thailand and share it with everybody, help people fall in love with the wonderful country it is and make people smile. With this in mind, I have come up with the idea of creating a site that gives as many references as possible and writes more in-depth articles from a first-time traveller going to Thailand and then further down the path write articles about those people who have made Thailand their home and retired there.

I have watched many YouTube videos over the years and there are some great Thai-based creators who have some fabulous videos on Thailand, I have reached out to a few of them and spoken to some in the past who have given me permission to share their videos on this website. Where I feel a good storyline is covered by one of them I will share their video in the article for you to have a look at. Some of the videos go back years but are still relevant and are a great watch. As I cover certain areas for travellers around Thailand’s beauty spots I will add some videos in the articles to enhance it.

One person who did contact me wanted me to cover the after-dark stories which are usually about Pattaya and the bar scenes. Also, my bars how they differ from the others. I will start writing content for those first-timers who want to experience the nightlife, I will try and vary my blogs so as to not bore some people. This will take months to fill up the sections, but bare with me as I try.



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